Friday, October 28, 2011

The Broken Record Effect

Frugurt....Nice Cream. The effect of post modernism is evident fully in the advertising of Ecuadorean companies.  Post modernism could be defined as the reuse of ideas that succeeded the first time around.  In the case of Frugurt, fruit is obviously a fairly popular and healthy diet choice and yogurt has recently been increasing in popularity so a regurgitation (pun intended) of the two ideas could possibly be profitable.  The idea of mushing two ideas together to make a "new" one shows how Ecuador is staying pretty up to date in the outlook of the world.  It is concerning to think that we cannot come up with enough new ideas, so we need to refurbish and reuse the old ones.  This kind of cultural recycling is quite interesting.  In the United States, it has been evident for a while that post modernism is taking effect.  Especially in the movie industry, the effects of reusing old titles and ways of life is starting to become frustrating.  We always here history repeats itself but when the idea does not even change enough to require thought to figure out its origin, the excitement factor disappates.  I never realized that the effect of post modernism had hit other countries besides the US.  Ecuador seems to be doing a better job, so far, although I am sure there are examples to the contrary.  Mostly the effect is seen in advertising here where its not as depressing to reuse old ideas.  Sometimes that strategy can be very profitable.  A store that says Nice Cream has a positive connotation to it that, at least at a first glance, makes one smile a little.  It is different that having the newest version of Tron come out or remaking True Grit without John Wayne.  The negative connotation to our use of post modernism seemingly works against our country.  Maybe we should take after Ecuador and use it elsewhere and get some fresh ideas in other areas...

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